AIOZ Edge Nodes

What is AIOZ DePIN CLI Node?

AIOZ DePIN CLI Node is the software to become an AIOZ Node in AIOZ DePIN. AIOZ Node contributes storage capacity, network bandwidth and computing power to the AIOZ DePIN and gets rewards in AIOZ Tokens.


  • Windows 10 version 22H2 64-bit or above
  • Ubuntu 14.06 64-bit or above
  • macOS Catalina version 10.15 or above

Getting started


Download and extract the latest AIOZ DePIN CLI Node. The scripts below are written for Windows PowerShell.

curl.exe -LO
Expand-Archive -Path -DestinationPath .
ren aioznode-windows-amd64-1.1.0.exe aioznode.exe

Verify the node is runnable

.\aioznode.exe version

The output should be the version of AIOZ DePIN Node.

Generate new mnemonic phrase and private key

.\aioznode.exe keytool new --save-priv-key privkey.json

--save-priv-key write the private key to file


        "address": "aioz1k28nzwgrwgzrwfuwsfcqjyvd0r4lfprql2c4uf",
        "address_hex": "0xB28F313903720437278E827009118d78eBf48460",
        "pub_key": "{\"@type\":\"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey\",\"key\":\"AxSwg94OuvFInQXiZtHevsw7gFKvbZXCqFunK3pMjV0I\"}",
        "priv_key": "{\"@type\":\"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PrivKey\",\"key\":\"rdWGOtJ/Uio4SDtubqMUGKn+7doBCCOfegAI9OGMIbE=\"}",
        "mnemonic": "rain wing olive skate effort present long myself combine giant vote stay sweet bundle agree lock connect glide absent spider effort attitude enemy mouse"

IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure to backup and secure your mnemonic phrase as it will be used in case of migration or recovering your node.

Run the node

.\aioznode.exe start --home nodedata --priv-key-file privkey.json

--home data folder of the node

--priv-key-file the private key file which the node starts with. If you do not specify the private key file, the node will ask for it from the standard input stream.

Note: Because AIOZ DePIN CLI Node automatically updates itself by downloading and replacing the executable file, make sure to set file permission to writable. AIOZ DePIN CLI Node has to stop to perform auto update, it should be run as Windows Service to start again after update and at system boot.

macOS and Linux

Download the latest AIOZ DePIN CLI Node

For macOS

curl -LO
tar xzf aioznode-darwin-amd64-1.1.0.tar.gz
mv aioznode-darwin-amd64-1.1.0 aioznode

For Linux

curl -LO
tar xzf aioznode-linux-amd64-1.1.0.tar.gz
mv aioznode-linux-amd64-1.1.0 aioznode

Verify the node is runnable

./aioznode version

The output should be the version of AIOZ DePIN Node.

Generate new mnemonic phrase and private key

./aioznode keytool new --save-priv-key privkey.json

--save-priv-key write the private key to file


        "address": "aioz1k28nzwgrwgzrwfuwsfcqjyvd0r4lfprql2c4uf",
        "address_hex": "0xB28F313903720437278E827009118d78eBf48460",
        "pub_key": "{\"@type\":\"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey\",\"key\":\"AxSwg94OuvFInQXiZtHevsw7gFKvbZXCqFunK3pMjV0I\"}",
        "priv_key": "{\"@type\":\"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PrivKey\",\"key\":\"rdWGOtJ/Uio4SDtubqMUGKn+7doBCCOfegAI9OGMIbE=\"}",
        "mnemonic": "rain wing olive skate effort present long myself combine giant vote stay sweet bundle agree lock connect glide absent spider effort attitude enemy mouse"

IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure to backup and secure your mnemonic phrase as it will be used in case of migration or recovering your node.

Run the node

./aioznode start --home nodedata --priv-key-file privkey.json

--home data folder of the node

--priv-key-file the private key file which the node starts with. If you do not specify the private key file, the node will ask for it from the standard input stream.

Note: Because AIOZ DePIN CLI Node automatically updates itself by downloading and replacing the executable file, make sure to set file permission to writable. AIOZ DePIN CLI Node has to stop to perform auto update, it should be run with launchctl(macOS) or systemctl(Linux) to start it again after update and at system boot.


View node status

./aioznode.exe stats

Note: This command requires a running node, if your node is not on default port 1317, you need to specify it with the flag --endpoint


        "storage": {
                "total_count": 4864,
                "total_size": 149967615893
        "delivery": {
                "upstream_speed": 0

View reward

./aioznode.exe reward balance

Note: This command requires a running node, if your node is not on default port 1317, you need to specify it with the flag --endpoint


        "balance": [
                        "denom": "attoaioz",
                        "amount": "7218886258271998637"
        "storage_earned": [
                        "denom": "attoaioz",
                        "amount": "810423534750216148"
        "delivery_earned": [
                        "denom": "attoaioz",
                        "amount": "7525653191257749557"
        "withdraw": [
                        "denom": "attoaioz",
                        "amount": "1100000000000000000"
        "delivery_counter": 16521

balance is the amount of reward that is available for withdrawal.

storage_earned and delivery_earned are the total amount of reward for storage and delivery from the beginning.

withdraw is the total amount of reward has been withdrawn from the beginning.

delivery_counter is the counter that counts number of delivery from the beginning.

Withdraw reward

./aioznode.exe reward withdraw --address 0x9A20600a143745404f1AA1C69Bd280f4bD5B4408 --amount 1aioz --priv-key-file privkey.json

This command requires a running node. If your node is not on default port 1317, you need to specify it with the flag --endpoint.

--address the address to withdraw the reward to. The rewards is transferred in AIOZ Chain.

--amount the amount of reward to withdraw. The unit can be aioz or attoaioz. 1 aioz equal 10^18 attoaioz. Minimum withdraw is 1 aioz. Example values: 1aioz, 1.1aioz, 1100000000000000000attoaioz.

--priv-key-file the private key file which the node started with. If you do not specify the private key file, the node will ask for it from the standard input stream.


        "txid": "2604F553B62B70136967811B14BA8DB5706A2FA86EF7FD1A6899ECB3EF944D59"

Recover private key from mnemonic phrase

.\aioznode.exe keytool recover "rain wing olive skate effort present long myself combine giant vote stay sweet bundle agree lock connect glide absent spider effort attitude enemy mouse" --save-pri-key privkey.json

--save-pri-key write the private key to file.


        "address": "aioz1k28nzwgrwgzrwfuwsfcqjyvd0r4lfprql2c4uf",
        "address_hex": "0xB28F313903720437278E827009118d78eBf48460",
        "pub_key": "{\"@type\":\"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey\",\"key\":\"AxSwg94OuvFInQXiZtHevsw7gFKvbZXCqFunK3pMjV0I\"}",
        "priv_key": "{\"@type\":\"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PrivKey\",\"key\":\"rdWGOtJ/Uio4SDtubqMUGKn+7doBCCOfegAI9OGMIbE=\"}"