AIOZ Blockchain - EVM x Cosmos
Network Information

Network Information

Below is a list of publicly available endpoints that you can use to connect to the AIOZ Network mainnet and public testnets:


You can also use (opens in a new tab) to add the AIOZ Network directly to Metamask.

AIOZ Network Mainnet

AIOZ NetworkMainnet
Chain IDaioz_168-1
Numeric Chain ID168
Ethereum JSON-RPC (opens in a new tab)
Cosmos RPC (opens in a new tab)
Cosmos (opens in a new tab)
Blockchain Explorer URL (opens in a new tab)

AIOZ Network Testnet

AIOZ NetworkTestnet
Chain IDaioztestnet_4102-2
Numberic Chain ID4102
Ethereum JSON-RPC (opens in a new tab)
Cosmos RPC (opens in a new tab)
Cosmos (opens in a new tab)
Blockchain Explorer URL (opens in a new tab)